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  • 主演:Atticus Mitchell埃里克·克诺德森Melinda Shankar保罗·鲍波维奇
  • 导演:
  • 类型:
  • 时长: 0分钟
  • 年代: 2017
  • 地区: 其它
  • 语言:
  • 简介:

    Sloan Carter is a young girl who has recently been blinded. Her father leaves for the weekend and her two best friends, returning home from University, keep her company. A protege of her Sloan Carter is a young girl who has recently been blinded. Her father leaves for the weekend and her two best friends, returning home from University, keep her company. A protege of her展开全部↓ 收起全部↑

来源: 腾讯