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  • 主演:舒淇
  • 导演:任贤齐
  • 类型: 剧情
  • 时长: 95分钟
  • 年代: 2015
  • 地区: 香港
  • 语言:
  • 简介:

    He was a happy-go-lucky Taiwanese wanderer who now settles down at his hometown the Pescadores Islands running a crummy B&B. His carefree and peaceful existence is turned topsy-turvy when she appears: a wealthy, educated and popular travelogue blogger from China who finds herself stranded in his decrepit B&B with her passport, cash and luggage lost in the sea. He was a happy-go-lucky Taiwanese wanderer who now settles down at his hometown the Pescadores Islands running a crummy B&B. His carefree and peaceful existence is turned topsy-turvy when she appears: a wealthy, educated and popular travelogue blogger from China who finds herself stranded in his decrepit B&B with her passport, cash and luggage lost in the sea.展开全部↓ 收起全部↑

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