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  • 主演:
  • 导演:石井克人
  • 类型: 喜剧
  • 时长: 79分钟
  • 年代: 2005
  • 地区: 日本
  • 语言: 日语
  • 简介:

    Ishii, who directed The Taste of Tea , the animation segment of Kill Bill 1 , and Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl , reunites his favourites, Asano Tadanobu and Terujima Susumu in a bizarre outing, comprised of numerous segments that play out like dream sequences featuring an outlandish mishmash of comic sketches, hip hop song and dance numbers, cheeky parodies of Japanese TV shows, commercials, m Ishii, who directed The Taste of Tea , the animation segment of Kill Bill 1 , and Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl , reunites his favourites, Asano Tadanobu and Terujima Susumu in a bizarre outing, comprised of numerous segments that play out like dream sequences featuring an outlandish mishmash of comic sketches, hip hop song and dance numbers, cheeky parodies of Japanese TV shows, commercials, manga , SFX and other pop genres. Deadbeat characters like the brothers who never score with chicks, the anime production team directed by a dog, and the spunky hot spring holiday girls freely interact with extra-terrestrials and mutants like bloodsucking badminton balls and pigmy sushi chef. 本首席怪雞導演石井克人(《鯊皮男與蜜桃女》、《茶之味》)合導的超意念巨製,黑膠唱片結構轉出二十一個奇詭片段,科幻、純情、 chill-out 、核突,大衛.哥連堡感官碰日式無厘頭,撞出最匪夷所思的橋段、最電車男的妄想症候。溡爸倚艩款I寺島進、加瀨亮、吹石一惠詐傻扮懵,盡情騎呢。 06 年傳遍國際 cult 片 界 的潮氣指標,有人譽為 YouTube 短片大雜燴,卻拍得更極端,更精緻,九唔搭八不知不覺間奉上一席創意馳騁的影像怪宴。 Source: HKIFF Summer POPS Film Festival 2006展开全部↓ 收起全部↑

来源: 优酷