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  • 主持:Russell JamesMaria HartmanJohn
  • 类型: 其它
  • 地区: 其他
  • 简介:

    Contestants on this reality show compete for a spot not in front of the camera, but behind it. Fashion photography is a tough business that's not always about glamour, and few reach the top. Each week, the contestants will learn a lesson from host and mentor Russell James and put their skills to the test in a photo shoot. After thirty days of intense competition, one will be cr... Contestants on this reality show compete for a spot not in front of the camera, but behind it. Fashion photography is a tough business that's not always about glamour, and few reach the top. Each week, the contestants will learn a lesson from host and mentor Russell James and put their skills to the test in a photo shoot. After thirty days of intense competition, one will be cr...展开全部↓ 收起全部↑
